11 Tools

11 Tools

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vocabulary Unit #3

The quiz over these words will be Friday, October 12th!

shun - to keep away from; avoid
resident - one who lives in a place
ruthless - having no compassion or pity; cruel; merciless
obsolete - out of date; no longer in use or in fashion
magnate - a rich, powerful, or successful business person
despite - in spite of
conceal - to keep from being seen; put out of sight; hidden
climate - refers to weather conditions; a condition or attitude
swelter - oppressed by heat
wean - to withdraw from any type of habit

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vocabulary words for Unit #2

1.  prance - act in a lively manner
2.  encroach - to intrude or trespass
3.  smitten - very much in love
4.  allude - to refer casually
5.  fleet - a group of vehicles
6.  parallel - 2 lines that never intersect
7.  horizontal - parallel to level ground
8.  vertical - straight up and down
9.  bliss - great happiness
10. drench - wet thoroughly

Next quiz on Friday, September 28th!