11 Tools

11 Tools

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What you need to know for the social studies test!! (2/26)

1.  Why did a revolution take place in Mexico?
Mexico wanted their independence.  They wanted fair laws.

2.  Why is this important in Texas history?
Because Texas was a part of Mexico.

3.  What did Moses Austin want?
To start a colony (The Old 300)

4.   Why did his son, Stephen F. Austin, take over?
Because Moses Austin died.

5.  What was different about Martin de Leon’s colony in Texas?
They were all Mexican.

6.  What are vaqueros?  What did they do for a job?
Vaqueros are cowboys.  They herded and trade cattle and rode horses.

7.  What did the Mexicans require to move to Texas?
They required you to join the Catholic church, become a Mexican citizen, and have good manners.

8.  What language did the Anglos speak?  English

9.  What was the same about the Mexican and the Anglo settlers?  Cash crops

10. What was the Law of April 6?  It said that U.S. citizens and slaves could no longer immigrate to Texas.
11.  What was the convention in San Felipe de Austin in October 1832 about?  It wanted Mexico to allow U.S. citizens to be able to immigrate here again.

12.  Why did Stephen F. Austin want Texas to become a state in Mexico?  So they could be independent and make their own decisions.

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