11 Tools

11 Tools

Sunday, May 27, 2012

See you next year!!!

Students come into the life of a teacher for only a brief moment.  They impact each other's lives in a way that is closest only to that of a parent.  Unfortunately, teachers don't ever get to see the fruit of their labor. 

Day after day I show up to a job I will never see finished.  Students move on, and I can only hope that my hours of planning and nuturing will travel with them.  I am so lucky that for one year, I get to be a part of that trip.  I will be able to glimpse a moment of the fruit, as I watch all of our hard work in 4th grade carry on into 5th.  Truly, I am living the dream.

I will always treasure our year together and I can't wait to see you all in 5th grade!

Mrs. Demeris

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